Above is a new video I just published entitled "Thor and Utgarda-Loki: new version with celestial connections!" in which I read the story of Thor's visit to the realm of the giant Utgarda-Loki, which was probably my favorite of all the Norse myths as a child.

In this myth, even the great Thor is bested in contests he should easily win, as are his companions Loki and Thjalfi, because they are tricked into believing illusions and do not perceive the true situation (and their own power and ability).

As with other Norse myths, in common with ancient myths from other cultures around the globe, the characters and events described in this episode are based on a world-wide system of celestial metaphor -- and have direct application to our own lives in this very present moment.

For a discussion of the connections between the events in this story and the stars and constellations, as well as some discussion of significance for our daily lives, see my 2018 book Star Myths of the World, Volume Four: Norse Mythology -- and see also this previous post entitled "Thor and Utgarda-Loki -- and the lies we tell ourselves."