image: Wikimedia commons (link).
June 05, 2020 marks the 52nd year since the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy (1925 - 1968) on the night of his victory in the California Presidential Primary. He was 42 years old.
That the official story of the assassination of Bobby Kennedy is a complete lie has been established beyond any reasonable doubt in the intervening years, and yet the mainstream corporate media continues to feed that lie to the people of the United States and the world, and to refuse to allow a retrial of the alleged lone gunman, Sirhan Sirhan, who remains in prison to this day.
Below is a recently-created video by Chuck Marler providing a thorough discussion of the evidence which proves beyond any doubt the fact that Bobby Kennedy's murder was the result of a well-orchestrated, meticulously planned, and carefully coordinated conspiracy. The video also presents clear and incontestable evidence of a powerful cover-up which included the attempt to intimidate witnesses, the throwing of Sirhan's defense, and the deliberate destruction of massive amounts of critical evidence.
Here is a link to a previous post I published two years ago about the murder of Robert F. Kennedy on the 50th anniversary of his death. It contains links to another very thorough investigative documentary examining the evidence of criminal conspiracy in the murder of Bobby Kennedy, entitled The Second Gun and published by Ted Charac (1931 - 2013) in 1973, which should also be considered essential viewing.
Additionally, here are three videos of a 2018 interview with Paul Schrade, who knew Bobby Kennedy personally and who was wounded by a bullet in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel on that fatal night in June of 1968:
While I have heard other interviews with Paul Schrade, I have not yet heard this particular interview from 2018 contained in these three segments (each segment about 15 or 16 minutes in length), but I intend to listen to them some time today.
The fact that fifty-two years have passed since the cold-blooded murders of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy does not in any way mean that these events have receded into history. The very fact that the cover-up of the facts around their murders continues right up to the present time -- with all of the major media marching in lock-step in support of the patently false "official narratives" while pointedly ignoring the undeniable evidence of criminal conspiracy and ensuing cover-up (coming from the very highest levels) -- indicates beyond any doubt that the forces responsible for those killings and the subsequent obstruction of justice and the dissemination of outright propaganda and falsehood about the actual events must still be in power.
And why wouldn't those forces responsible for those killings still be in power, seeing as they have never been effectively investigated and brought to justice for their many crimes?
If those alive today, including the upcoming generations, are not taught the true history of the events of 1968, and the tremendous implications of the murder of Bobby Kennedy (who had just secured the primary votes necessary to ensure that he would be the presidential candidate in the election of that year), we will be hard-pressed to accurately interpret the events that we see going on around us today.
Bobby Kennedy was a principled and aggressive participant in the Civil Rights struggles of the 1960s, as well as a strong opponent of organized crime, and of the Vietnam War. The fact that so many men and women do not realize the significance of his murder in 1968 shows what a powerful tool the control of history and the historical narrative can be. His murder removed one of the last opportunities for the United States to turn back from the disastrous road which has led us to the point where we are today.
We urgently need to wake up to the truth, recover our lost history, and expose the enemies who have perpetrated these crimes and who continue to try to cover them up with lies.
image: Wikimedia commons (link).