image: Wikimedia Commons (link).
Today is 22 November 2021.
Fifty-eight years ago today, on 22 November 1963, President John F. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas.
The evidence regarding that murder of the President has been actively suppressed by a coordinated media effort since that time, and much of it remains sealed for "national security reasons" even to this day, fifty-eight years later.
If you have never done so -- or even if you have -- take 45 minutes today to listen to this interview between well-known media personality Johnny Carson and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, which took place on 31 January 1968, a few months after Jim Garrison's bombshell long-form interview appeared in Playboy Magazine in October of 1967 (also linked below).
Here is the embedded player of that interview -- you will have to listen to it since no video of this historic conversation (strangely enough) can be found. But it is quite accessible even without video and you will get a very good understanding of the personalities of the two men, Carson and Garrison, from the audio alone:
When you finish listening to the Johnny Carson "interview" then read the Playboyinterview, which is much longer and more in-depth (and far less hostile) than Carson's attempts to discredit Jim Garrison.
Here is the link to the Playboy interview with Jim Garrison, published in October 1967.
If the efforts by Johnny Carson to discredit Jim Garrison are not transparent enough in revealing the desperation of the media (and those who control the media in this country) to conceal the truth of the murder of the President from the American people, you may also want to go back and review the evidence uncovered by Jim DiEugenio in his book Destiny Betrayed regarding the death threats made to one Fred Leemans to lie about Jim Garrison (and say that Garrison was bribing witnesses in order to build a fraudulent case) during an NBC television special which aired in June of 1967.
Leemans later (in 1969) recanted those statements defaming Garrison and explained that he (Leemans) had received threats including threats of physical harm to his family as pressure to make those statements about Garrison.
In the Playboy interview, Jim Garrison argues that "there are powerful forces in Washington who find it imperative to conceal from the American public the truth about the assassination."
He goes on to warn us -- speaking in 1967, remember -- that: "we in America are in great danger of slowly evolving into a proto-fascist state."
He also declares that: "In a very real and terrifying sense, our Government is the CIA and the Pentagon, with Congress reduced to a debating society."
Garrison was a World War II veteran who had fought the Nazis in Europe.
Jim Garrison concludes his interview with Johnny Carson by turning directly to the American people and saying "I'm trying to tell the people of America that the honor of this country is at stake -- and if we don't do something about this fraud, we will not survive. And there is no way to survive if we don't bring out the truth about how our President was killed four years ago."