According to the Hydroplate Theory of Dr. Walt Brown, the continents of our planet all slid away from the Atlantic (and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge) and towards the massive depression basin of the Pacific Ocean.

In years past this blog has published numerous examinations of various pieces of evidence around the globe which support the overall structure of Dr. Brown's Hydroplate Theory, even though I do not accept the premise that the texts contained in the Bible are literal descriptions of past history -- I have shown them to be based on celestial metaphor, in common with the world's other ancient myths, scriptures, and sacred stories.  

In other words, I do not accept that the texts contained in what we call the Bible are literal -- but that stance does not mean that I do not see massive evidence around our planet for a catastrophic world-wide flood along the lines of the theory proposed by Dr. Brown (although I believe that any timeline which tries to force events into timelines suggested by literalist readings of the Bible are demonstrably mistaken, since archaeological sites such as Gobekli Tepe are older than many literalist proposals for the date of literalist Creation and a literalist Biblical Flood, and since the texts of the Bible can be shown to be based on celestial metaphor, rather than accounts of terrestrial historical events).

If the mechanisms proposed in the Hydroplate Theory are correct, the continents of Asia and Australia would have slid eastwards, towards the great depression of the Pacific Basin, even as the continents of North and South America would have been sliding westwards towards the same Pacific Basin. 

This explanation from the Hydroplate Theory helps us to understand why the forces of friction would have been so enormous along the "leading edge" of the continents that were sliding towards that Pacific Basin, resulting in the melting of subterranean rock and the buildup of magma and lava beneath the surface, eventually erupting into the volcanoes that we find all the way around the Pacific Rim and the west coasts of North and South America, and the east coast of Asia as well as the Japanese archipelago.

This ring of volcanoes around the gigantic "hole" of the Pacific Basin is often referred to as the "Ring of Fire."

In line with the description of ancient catastrophic events provided by Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory, we find the remnants of an enormous ancient volcano situated at the very easternmost point of the continent of Australia, just where we might expect to find such a volcano if indeed the continent of Australia slid towards the Pacific Basin, building up friction and deep subterranean magma along Australia's easternmost edge (the "leading edge" of the slide).

Above is a map of Australia showing that easternmost point, and the location of the massive ancient volcano is indicated by a red box in the map above, which corresponds to the area shown in larger scale in the zoomed-in map below:

Can you make out the remnants of a massive ancient volcano in the above terrain map? It is situated just along the coastline, in between the words "Tweed Heads" to the north and "Byron Bay" and "Lismore" to the south, and it is the skeletal remains (or "erosion caldera") of a massive ancient volcano sometimes called the "Tweed Volcano," about 62 miles in diameter.

Below is yet another map, zooming in more closely still:

Continuing to zoom in closer, we can see that the distinctive rock formation to which Captain Cook gave the name "Mt. Warning" (because it is visible from the sea, through a break in the remaining walls of the ancient caldera, and gives warning to ships to avoid the offshore reefs of Point Danger) is in fact the remains of the central eruption shaft of the volcano:

Below is a photograph I took of Mt. Warning, looking from the southern rim region and positioned slightly east of the mountain itself (that is, looking northwest towards the mountain):

The outer edges of the remaining crater ring around the central point of Mt. Warning show deep channels and folds, as we would expect from the sides of a massive ancient volcano. One section of the remaining rim along the southern side is known as the Nightcap Range, and is labeled in the map below:

Below is a photograph of this deeply-rutted side of the ancient volcano, the Nightcap Range, taken from a point somewhat south of the letter "T" in the arrow-label that I have added to the above map (the arrow that reads: "Nightcap Range"), and looking towards the north and west:

Note that the Moon is visible in the above photograph, which is taken looking towards the north and the west, because from the Southern Hemisphere below the tropics, an observer must look towards the north to see the path of the Sun, Moon, planets and zodiac constellations, whereas from the Northern Hemisphere above the tropics an observer must look towards the south. 

The evidence around our planet pointing towards an ancient catastrophe or catastrophes of massive proportions is abundant and convincing. It is very likely that some type of massive catastrophe separates the ancient civilizations known to our conventional scholars and historians (such as ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient India, ancient China and so forth) from some much more ancient (and advanced) predecessor culture or cultures, and that the Star Myths of the World known to cultures around the globe in different forms originated from that now-forgotten culture or cultures.

The event that separates what I call the "Near Ancient" cultures known to conventional history (such as ancient Egypt) from the "Deep Ancient" culture or cultures who may be the source of the system underlying the world's Star Myths was probably not a world-wide catastrophic flood, even though I believe the evidence is overwhelming that our planet did once experience such a flood. I believe it is more likely that any world-wide catastrophic flood was far more ancient than whatever catastrophe separates the Near Ancient cultures from the Deep Ancient cultures.

However, the evidence for massive globe-altering catastrophes in our planet's past is so abundant that the fact of catastrophes should be more widely understood and acknowledged in our attempts to understand deep history. Strangely, the proponents of conventional historical models demonstrate stubborn resistance to any mention of catastrophism, preferring to impose uniformitarian explanations for almost every geological phenomenon, punctuated of course by local catastrophes such as volcanoes, but never considering the possibility that all the volcanoes around the Ring of Fire, for instance, might be linked and explained by a common catastrophic model.