Here is another recent video that I published to YouTube, entitled "Orphic Hymns to Invoke the Ancient Gods in You."

This video builds on some of the concepts explored in the previous one, entitled "Star Myths, the Duat, and this Life," including the assertion that the realm of the gods is not separate from us -- and in fact is also within us.

Ancient cultures passed down practices for invoking the gods in you and me, as I discuss in my most-recent book, Invoking the Ancient Gods in You.

From the culture of ancient Greece, the Orphic Hymns have survived as an extremely helpful -- and extremely beneficial -- example of the practices used in ancient cultures to invoke the gods.

This video explores the aspects of the god Ares in us, and what we can learn from the ancient Orphic Hymn to Ares.

Please share with those for whom this information would be helpful in some way!