Above is a new video I have just published entitled "More Evidence of Deep Ancient Civilization before Dynastic Egypt!"

Star Mythology provides overwhelming evidence that the earliest civilizations known to conventional history inherited a sophisticated system of celestial metaphor which forms the foundation for the mythology and sacred texts and artwork of cultures around the world!

I examine the artwork on the side of an ancient stone sculpture depicting a scene featuring the god Hapi of ancient Egypt and attributed to the reign of Senusret III of the 12th Dynasty.

In fact, it is related to similar artistic patterns found in ancient cultures around the globe, including the "Churning of the Ocean of Milk" story of ancient India (from the Vishnu Purana and other ancient Sanskrit texts), also known as the AmritaManthana or the Samudra Manthana, as well as a scene preserved in the so-called "Madrid Codex" of the ancient Maya civilization.

This scene is regularly interpreted by conventional historians in a political context, as the "uniting of Upper and Lower Egypt," but it can be shown to be built on a celestial foundation.

The authors of Hamlet's Mill (1969) perceived the connection between these patterns across cultures that the conventional paradigm of history tell us could not have possibly been connected, and they rightly argue that these connections and the evidence in myth completely upend the orthodox timeline of our ancient past.

They also argue (correctly, I think) that these scenes from ancient myth are encoding the ages-long motion of Precession.

But to even detect Precession (let alone to accurately calculate the rate of Precession, which ancient myths also encode using "precessional numbers") requires precise stellar measurements over the course of centuries, and thus the idea that an entire body of sophisticated mythology which ingeniously encodes precession in myth cannot fit inside of the orthodox academic timeline of human history. This artwork shows that Precession was already encoded in myth prior to the rise of ancient Egypt and ancient India and the ancient Maya! This evidence totally explodes the conventional paradigm of ancient human history.

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